🌳 Deforestation in the Amazon reaches lowest level since 2018

🌳 Deforestation in the Amazon reaches lowest level since 2018

Deforestation in the Amazon has decreased by 40 percent compared to 2023. May 2024 recorded the lowest deforestation level since March 2018. The accumulated deforestation over the past year has decreased by 54 percent compared to the same period the previous year.


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  • Deforestation in the Amazon has decreased by 40 percent compared to 2023.
  • May 2024 recorded the lowest deforestation level since March 2018.
  • The accumulated deforestation over the past year has decreased by 54 percent compared to the same period the previous year.

Reduced deforestation in the Amazon

New data from the Brazilian government shows that deforestation in the Amazon has reached its lowest level since March 2018, according to Mongabay.

According to INPE’s DETER system, deforestation in May 2024 amounted to 501 square kilometers, equivalent to 147 times the size of Central Park in New York. The accumulated deforestation detected by DETER over the past year is 4,350 square kilometers, a decrease of 54 percent compared to the same period the previous year.

For the year to date, DETER has recorded 1,182 square kilometers of forest clearing, a decrease of 40 percent from the 1,986 square kilometers recorded at this point in 2023. This decline also reflects the trend recorded by an independent system maintained by the Brazilian organization Imazon.

Expected annual decrease

Data from the DETER system indicates a significant reduction in deforestation for the twelve months ending July 31, the period Brazil uses for measuring annual deforestation. For the annual assessment, Brazil uses higher resolution satellite imagery, which requires more time for analysis. DETER enables faster actions against illegal deforestation.

Last year, deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon amounted to 9,064 square kilometers, a decrease of 22 percent from 2022, and the lowest annual figure since 2018. This accounted for a large part of the reduction in deforestation across the entire Amazon, as Brazil’s portion makes up about two-thirds of the world’s largest rainforest.

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