π± Sweden breaks world record in 5G on trains
It's possible to get transfer speeds of over one gigabit per second, even on a moving train, as shown in a test carried out by KTH.
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Using your mobile phone on a train often times doesn't work very well. So how will it work with the 5G network? As it turns out really well, at least in a test done by KTH and Icomera.
They tested their 5G technology on a regular train and came up with a transfer rate of 1,267 megabits per second . It is the fastest transfer speed measured on a train in regular traffic.
The fact that it is possible to get such a fast speed on a rolling train makes it possible to utilize the new communication possibilities even on the go.
- With 5G, it is possible to hold or participate in video meetings on the train. 5G has significantly better performance than 4G. 4G can have up to a second delay, in 5G the corresponding delay is less than a tenth of this, says Claes Beckman, researcher at the Department of Communication Systems at KTH in a press release.
What the researchers at KTH and Icomera have done is that they have developed equipment that can combine radio signals from different operators and systems. If one signal becomes weak, it can be compensated by another and in the end the users get fast transmission with low delay.
- The technology means that everyone on board a train has the best possible connection and gets the same digital experience, both in terms of work during video meetings and pure pleasure when movies or TV series are streamed. It will be a bit of a democracy issue, everyone will have access to the best possible speed, says Claes Beckman.
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