πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

🏝️ Several atolls are growing despite rising sea levels. πŸš— Waymo doubles the number of paid robotaxi trips. πŸ”‹ Solar power and batteries help Texas.

Mathias Sundin
Mathias Sundin

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Ordered by the government, the Swedish Public Health Agency has issued recommendations regarding screen time. The agency wasn't particularly concerned, but the politicians were far more excited.

"Screen time is literally like drugs for a child's brain," said Ebba Busch, who is the Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the Christian Democrats.

If I understand the Swedish Public Health Agency's new recommendations correctly, children under 2 years should ideally not do drugs at all, children aged 2-5 can do drugs for one hour a day, those aged 6-12 are allowed 1-2 hours per day, and teenagers can go wild with up to 3 hours per day.

There are no restrictions for children doing drugs while reading homework or books.

Mathias Sundin
The Angry Optimist

πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter content

🧐 I've built an AI book editor (that yells at me like Steve Jobs)

The AI editor is my digital twin. It understands me and my vision, and brings out my very best.

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πŸ’‘ Fact-based optimistic news from August

🌾 Lower food prices, thanks to record harvests. βš–οΈ Global inequality decreases. πŸŒ… Wind and solar energy surpass coal power in the EU, in the US and in China. πŸ”₯ Much lower risk of fire in electric cars. 🦾 AI Scientist can write science papers on its own.

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πŸ’‘ Fact-based optimistic news of the week

Scientists have discovered that many coral islands are growing or maintaining their size despite rising sea levels. Over 1000 islands have been studied and shown surprising resilience to sea level rise.

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πŸš— Waymo doubles the number of paid robotaxi trips to 100,000 per week

Waymo now provides over 100,000 paid robotaxi trips per week in the USA. The company has expanded its service to new areas in California and Arizona. Waymo is now testing driverless vehicles on highways around the San Francisco area.

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πŸ’‘ AI solves difficult problem of how molecules react to light – may lead to better solar cells and LED lights

Researchers at DeepMind have used AI to create a new method for calculating how molecules behave when hit by light. The technology could lead to improvements in solar cells, LED lights, and other light-sensitive technologies.

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🏭 Wind and solar energy produce more electricity than coal in the US

Wind and solar energy generated more electricity than coal in the USA during the first seven months of the year. In the USA, almost twice as much solar energy will be added compared to last year.

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πŸ”‹ Solar power and batteries help Texas handle record-high energy consumption during heat waves

Texas power grid has broken new records for electricity consumption during the summer of 2024. Solar power has met record-high demand during the day, and batteries have covered the need in the evening.

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πŸŽ™οΈ AI talk or master class?

I'm giving a lot of talks and master classes on AI in several different countries. Happy to come to your organization.

Learn more at mathiassundin.org.