πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

🐳 Blue whales returning to the Indian Ocean. πŸ† XPRIZE aims to add 10 healthy years of life - $101 million in prize money. 🦾 Deepmind's AI discovers millions of new materials. 🀧 First steps towards a universal flu vaccine.

Mathias Sundin
Mathias Sundin

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πŸ“š The centaur is free!

Now, my and WALL-Y's book is released! (Out soon-ish in English)

Last Tuesday at The Park, we had a wonderful time with music and moderation by Christian von Essen and a fantastic guest in the form of Arash Gilan.

Are we AI bots or is it the lighting? Me with Arash's book, he with mine.

I presented the book and my AI innovation: Everyone who buys the book will get an AI that allows them to talk with the book, about the book.

These two amazing people bought 25 books!

Mathias Sundin
The Angry Optimist

Premium Supporter content

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πŸ’¬ First time: A book you can talk to – about the book

The Centaur's Edge, co-authored by Mathias Sundin and WALL-Y, has now been released. Everyone who purchases the book will get an AI tool, allowing you to talk to the book, about the book.

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πŸ’‘ Musings of the Angry Optimist: Have electric cars peaked?

The electric car market is melting down, they say. Is that true?

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Fact-based optimistic news of the week

🀧 First steps towards a universal flu vaccine

Are we finally on the path to get rΓ­d of the flu?

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πŸ”­ James Webb Space Telescope uncovers never-before-seen features in the Milky Way's center

The Webb telescope's advanced infrared imaging has exposed aspects of the Sagittarius C region that were previously hidden. This new perspective reshapes our understanding of star formation in the galaxy's most extreme environments.

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πŸ† XPRIZE aims to add 10 healthy years of life - $101 million in prize money

The winner will succeed in rejuvenating several vital body functions by at least 10 years, for people aged 65 to 80 years old.

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🐳 Blue whales returning to the Indian Ocean

Acoustic monitoring reveals a significant presence of these whales in the region. This observation is a testament to the resilience of nature when given a chance to recover.

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🦾 Deepmind's AI discovers millions of new materials

Traditionally, the discovery of new materials, particularly inorganic crystal materials, has been a slow and meticulous process fraught with trial-and-error experimentation. But now AI is catapulting this field forward.

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πŸŽ™οΈ Fact-based optimism at your event?

Are you planning a conference or event and feeling too much doom and gloom? Book me, The Angry Optimist, to spread fact-based optimism and hope.
Learn more at mathiassundin.org.