πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

🧏 Curing deafness in children with gene therapy - trail begins. πŸ’‰ 13% decline in child deaths thanks to malaria vaccine. 🚁 Electric air taxis to showcase at the Olympics. πŸ’° Americans are getting wealthier, especially the poor.

Mathias Sundin
Mathias Sundin

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πŸ“š A well-deserved Quake stim pack and Elon boost

Now there will be some bragging about a Warp Premium Supporter. (I'm happy to brag about you guys. Get in touch if you have something interesting to share.)

Over 20 years ago, Johan Norberg wrote In Defense of Global Capitalism. He polemicized with Naomi Klein and many others who attacked globalization and free trade.

It was filled with statistics showing the progress the world was making. How hundreds of millions had left extreme poverty, how much better educated we were, that we lived longer and healthier – and so on.

I was one of the readers and it was the first time I realized how much the world had improved. It was the starting point for my journey to become a fact-based optimist. In other words, that book changed my life.

Now, 20 years later, Johan thought it was time for a sequel and wrote The Capitalist Manifesto. In it, among other things, he notes that the debate on globalization and free trade still exists, but now he mainly debates with people on the right instead of the left.

It has received very good reviews in the Economist and Financial Times.


One who read it was the legendary creator of Wolfenstein, Doom, and Quake, John Carmack. He liked it! So much so that he recommended it on X to his one million followers.

One who thanked for the recommendation was Elon Musk.

A week later, Elon had already read it and now it was his turn to recommend it to his 161 million followers. At the time of writing, over 26 million have seen the tweet.

Of course, the book rocket jumped to the top of the bestseller lists.

Congratulations, Johan! Very well deserved!

Mathias Sundin
The Angry Optimist

Pst! Don't miss the summary of all the news from October (and please share the article!)

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πŸ•°οΈ Counting the Minutes and Seconds to a Sci-Fi Future

We should create a Genesis Clock, to counter the Doomsday Clock, and count the minutes and seconds we have until dawn, writes The Conservative Futurist, James Pethokoukis.

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🦾 The end is near – again (don't regulate AI based on yet another tech panic)

The Y2K scare cost billions of dollars. Anti-GMO campaigns are hurting children with vitamin A deficiency. Fearmongering and excessive caution have severe consequences. We must avoid making the same errors with AI.

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πŸ’‘ Hopescrolling: 31 optimistic news in October

πŸ’‰ 13% decline in child deaths thanks to malaria vaccine. πŸ’° Americans are getting wealthier, especially the poor. 🌱 Rhubarbs key to recycling electric car batteries. πŸ” CRISPR-engineered chickens resistant to flu. 🧠 New AI enables real-time brain tumor diagnosis during surgery.

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Fact-based optimistic news of the week

🧏 Curing deafness in children with gene therapy - trail begins

A novel gene therapy trial aims to restore quality hearing in children with auditory neuropathy. The treatment focuses on rectifying a fault in the OTOF gene, which is pivotal for sound transmission.

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πŸ’‰ 13% decline in child deaths thanks to malaria vaccine

Malaria claims the lives of half a million children every year, but the number is dropping thanks to new vaccines.

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🚁 Electric air taxis to showcase at the Olympics

Electric air taxis will be highlighted at the 2024 and 2028 Summer Olympics.

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πŸ’° Americans are getting wealthier, especially the poor

Every group got richer, and inequality decreased over the last three years.

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✈️ Investment in unique green aviation fuel: "This is the death of flight shame"

Swedish Biofuel is looking to start production of a unique green aviation fuel, with the goal of selling it worldwide.

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πŸŽ™οΈ Fact-based optimism at your event?

Are you planning a conference or event and feeling too much doom and gloom? Book me, The Angry Optimist, to spread fact-based optimism and hope.
Learn more at mathiassundin.org.