πŸ“ Warp News Impact - October 2020

πŸ“ Warp News Impact - October 2020

Record-breaking reach and strongest premium supporter growth month ever.

Mathias Sundin
Mathias Sundin

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This is the first Warp News Impact Report to show you what impact your support as a Warp News Premium Supporter has.


  • Launched new and upgraded Warp News and membership, Premium Supporter.
  • Record growth: +56% Premium Supporters.
  • Recruited six Warp News Experts, like astronaut Christer Fuglesang and doktor Mouna Esmaeilzadeh.

Reach in October

In October our reach was about 659,000. This is not unique individuals, but how many times our content was exposed to someone online. On Facebook we reached 535,000 unique individuals, and another 10,000 on our websites. We also have a little more than 11,000 newsletter subscribers.

People interacted with our content 33,951 times (likes, comments, shares, or clicks.)

Our mission is to make people more optimistic about the future, so they see and grab the opportunities. A mission like that is of course hard to measure. But we believe that the more people we reach with fact-based optimistic content, the bigger impact we'll have.

2020 so far

We started Warp News at the end of 2019, inside the Warp Instiute Foundation, and during 2020 we saw interest and passion for fact-based optimism all over the world. We've had readers in all but seven countries (North Korea, Cuba, Turkmenistan, etc.) and have newsletter subscribers from over 140 countries.

If Warp News succeeds we will advance fact-based optimism in the world, and it will also make possible all the other things we want to do with the Warp Institute Foundation.

During the summer came the natural step of running Warp News as its own entity, a company, but with the Foundation as the principal owner.

This also allowed us to reach out to people we know support our cause and ask them for an investment. Several of them came through, and therefore we could upgrade and re-launch Warp News in October.

Here is our summary of the first month of the new Warp News.

Premium Supporters - record-breaking October

We ended the month with over 300 Premium Supporters, 315 to be exact.

A growth of 56 percent. Our strongest monthly growth ever.

Warp News Experts

We recruited six experts to help all of us understand the future and gain the optimist's edge.

  • Rebecka Carlsson, Sustainability Entrepreneur, Climate Activist and Business Advisor.
  • Karin Nilsdotter, Future Astronaut and CEO of Spaceport Sweden.
  • Nicklas B. Lundblad, Head of Global Policy Planning at Google, former adjunct Professor of Innovation.
  • Daniel S. Ruben, Consultant to the Rockefeller Foundation, Food Tech Expert.
  • Doctor Mouna Esmaeilzadeh, M.D., Neuroscientist, Entrepreneur and TV-personality.
  • Christer Fuglesang, Astronaut and Professor of Space Travel.

New Premium Supporter content

Instead of one premium article per week, we now send out content four times a week.

You can find it all here.

Our first correspondent in Africa

Khumbu Muleya has joined us as a writer, based in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.


On October 1 we received a total investment of $125,000 from these investors.

Thank you so much for your support!

Babak Parviz
Richard & Susan Maltsbarger
Andreas Krohn
Nicklas B. Lundblad
HΓ₯kan Nilsson
Mikkel Gerdes
Tomas Wahlgren
Martin Olsson
Nils Forsblad
Per SΓΆderstrΓΆm
Thomas AhlstrΓΆm
Robert Folkesson
Maksims Svjatoha

What we are using the investment for

Our primary use of these funds are for two things:

1) Produce more fact-based optimistic news with higher quality. One example is the kind of unique content that you can see below.
2) Upgrade our membership, Premium Supporter, with more content and a better community where members together get the optimist's edge.

The investment helps us build the machine to produce fact-based optimism, and your premium support is the fuel that keeps the engine running.

The investment also means that the founding team - me, Rich, Magnus and Eric - can work full time with Warp News.

We have also hired Linn Winge, Maksims Svjatoha and Kent Olofsson part-time.

Unique content coming up - Heart Aerospace & Pythom Space

We have made agreements with two very exciting companies, to report and follow them on their journey. They will give us access and we will tell you about their way towards their goals.

This will be unique content, not seen anywhere else in the world.

Electric airplane maker Heart Aerospace is located in Gothenburg, Sweden. Their goal is to have a 19 seater electric airplane in commercial use no later than 2026.

We wrote about their Hangar Day in September.

Rocket company and Mars travelers Pythom Space is based in California. Founders Tom and Tina are explorers with the goal of going to Mars.

Listen to our interview with them from earlier this year.

Thank you for your support!

You are the pioneers building this global movement together with us.

Mathias Sundin
CEO and co-founder of Warp News
Co-founder and executive chairman of Warp Institute