Essays on how to understand and create the future. By becoming a premium supporter you support the creation and spreading of fact-based optimistic news. Together, we share ideas with a global network of optimistic and entrepreneurial people.
Jonas Birgersson made it into the history books as Sweden's foremost champion of the internet revolution. Now, he's using everything he learned then to do it again. This time it's an energy revolution.
Did Warp News win? AI writer WALL-Y was nominated for Innovation of the Year at the Newspaper Publishers' gala. The competitors in the same category were Aftonbladet and Expressen, two media with budgets several thousand percent larger. How can we compete in the same category?
In the short term, Starship will reduce the cost of sending a kilo to space to two to three percent of what it was a few years ago.
A robot that can pick up trash, while reasoning why it chose to give a human an apple. The robot Figure One uses ChatGPT to talk and listen, while performing physical tasks.
Economics professor David Autor disputes the AI experts who believe that AI will lead to mass unemployment.
A year ago, we were close to dying. But we are clearly still here. But how are we doing and how are things going?
"China will win the AI race!" was a commonly voiced fear until recently. But this has not been heard much since the release of ChatGPT. Once again, messy democracies were underestimated, and planned dictatorships were overestimated.
"If I saw a child with a jetpack flying over me, I would believe anything is possible. I would be inspired. Doesn't that make the world a better place?"
Newsweek named Stockholm Europe's internet capital. Swedes had the most computers and the best broadband in the world. From the Swedish IT miracle, Skype, Spotify, and many other unicorns were born. What can we learn from that as we now try to create AI miracles?