Essays on how to understand and create the future. By becoming a premium supporter you support the creation and spreading of fact-based optimistic news. Together, we share ideas with a global network of optimistic and entrepreneurial people.
The Warp Institute Foundation wants to help make people more optimistic about the future. It makes them more involved in creating that future, so we can bend the curve for humanity's development and make the future come faster.
Netscape's founder, and the creator of the first web browser, Marc Andreessen wants us to build more. For that, we need more optimism. Optimists have more ideas, create more out of the ideas and do not give up as easily.
The corona crisis causes many people to become depressed. That's why Warp is needed now more than ever, says Rune Westergard, Warp Institute's first WIP Ambassador.
Understanding the future is the most valuable knowledge there is. The prime example is Moore's Law. But there is another law with even higher accuracy that can teach us a lot about the future, not at least about electric cars.
Many were surprised when Daenerys chose to destroy King's Landing with her dragon. But it was the most realistic moment in the entire series (apart from the use of a dragon ...) Authoritarian power always leads to the slaughter of innocents.
There are two main reasons why humanity will never face a pandemic as severe as the coronavirus again.
Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump would have been chanceless years ago, but because of the internet, they can get past the party's gatekeepers and win.
Tesla's future is likely bright, but there are also threats on the horizon. Perhaps the biggest threat is what we can't see right now.
Has the stock market gone crazy or is there substance behind the hype? To value Tesla, one must understand the dramatic change the automotive industry is going through and how Tesla is leading that change.