Essays on how to understand and create the future. By becoming a premium supporter you support the creation and spreading of fact-based optimistic news. Together, we share ideas with a global network of optimistic and entrepreneurial people.
Our move to renewable energy will make the world more peaceful. As countries become self-sufficient in energy, many incentives for conflict will diminish.
Most people think that media is a lousy business, because they see lots of old media companies struggling. But the free global distribution of content is a huge opportunity for journalism and will create massive global media companies.
Our premiere article with Warp News expert Doctor Mouna was our most-read content in January, we have given Steven Pinker's book to the Swedish Parliament and find out which three news articles were our most read in January.
We already know that meat production, trawling, and one-sided farming in mega-format are environmental culprits with an end date. But now new types of climate-smart food are being developed.
We want to support positive news in the world as they create a good contrast to all negative news that dominates everyday media, says John Tengstrรถm, Astra Advokater.
A fact-based optimist sees opportunities before everyone else. One opportunity is to invest in companies that create a better world, and at the same time make a lot of money.
Humanity does seem to have a soft spot for the thought of its imminent destruction. Fortunately, we have beaten the odds of doom and gloom more than once...
If man were fundamentally pessimistic, then why are so many of our daily decisions about doing good? More and more consumers are exhibiting value-driven behavior. For companies, this means that business-as-usual is no longer a profitable alternative, writes Victoria Bรคck.
Over the past decade, we have had an increasingly vocal debate about the responsibility of platforms and the future of freedom of expression. Nicklas Berild Lundblad believes that there is reason to be optimistic about the development.