Essays on how to understand and create the future. By becoming a premium supporter you support the creation and spreading of fact-based optimistic news. Together, we share ideas with a global network of optimistic and entrepreneurial people.
Kevin Kelly is the founder of Wired Magazine and author of several books, among them The Inevitable. For Warp News he presents his case for optimism.
Is building large battery storage as useful as building a big banana? Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison thought so, but the Tesla battery in Australia has surprised critics and shown us the missing piece of the energy puzzle.
Is there a formula to rely on in human interaction? It seems like there is, and you have probably already guessed it... It is an optimistic one!
It is a clichΓ© but still true. It's hard to believe in success if there are no such stories in your own history. In your own family. I often think of Γ ke's, almost impossible, journey.
Nicklas Berlind Lundblad met Stanford Professor John McCarthy in the early 200s and it was the sort of meeting you don't forget.
We launched Sweden's largest space conference - Warp Space Summit - our Starlink videos have been seen by 70,000 people and a podcast interview with Mathias Sundin - is something of what we've done in June.
Grab one of these brilliant books, bring a cup of coffee, sit in the shadow, and indulge. Kelly Odell gives you book tips that make your summer smarter.
If you thought that the successful moon landing in the '60s was due to luck and high ambitions, you are wrong. Nicklas Berild Lundblad writes about how optimism should be based on an analysis of what growing human abilities can achieve.
In just four years Martin Luther went from a complete unknown, to the bestselling author in Europe. A couple of years later he had become such a threat to the church that they banned him. How was this possible before radio, tv and the internet? He used a breakthrough technology, in a new way.