Essays on how to understand and create the future. By becoming a premium supporter you support the creation and spreading of fact-based optimistic news. Together, we share ideas with a global network of optimistic and entrepreneurial people.
Cities and urban life are no longer the attractive first choice. But what does it mean for humans and society when de-urbanization takes root? Maria Eriksson explains how you can take advantage of the new emerging trend.
Is space exploration a waste of energy? Some argue that it is and that more focus should be on tending the Earth. But what if space can help solve important questions about earth, writes Anna Rennรฉus Guthrie.
The future of screaming fast and environmentally friendly transportation is under construction. Get comfy and take a seat as Warp News writer Vincent Roose takes you on a ride with Hyperloop.
A new movement is needed for all of us who, on a scientific basis, take climate change very seriously but are tired of fear-mongering columns, shame, and doomsday prophecies.
India is considered cumbersome and expensive to trade with. But that may be about to change when the free trade agreement is on the agenda again after several years delay.
Artificial intelligence will affect humanity more than fire, electricity, and the internet says Google CEO Sundar Pichai. In 2022, AI will continue its journey towards becoming the most powerful technology ever invented. This is what you need to know.
As an optimist, you are often faced with an interesting dilemma: the rest of the world thinks that the world is getting worse, and you yourself think that it will get better โ should you try to convince everyone else that it really gets better, Nicklas Berild Lundblad asks.
Do you think you can tell the difference between computer graphics and reality? Our survey points to one answer, while reality points to another...
Covid-19 is reshaping core parts of society. Some losses are evident, but the benefits associated with change are at times underestimated. This is also the case with the pandemic.