Essays on how to understand and create the future. By becoming a premium supporter you support the creation and spreading of fact-based optimistic news. Together, we share ideas with a global network of optimistic and entrepreneurial people.
The Internet gives us a way to reach billions of people and even very narrow interests can find their audience. This also applies to TV series that have previously at best become popular in their home country. They can now be enjoyed by millions
To "warp a meeting" means that for a while you only think about possibilities. Problems and obstacles are addressed later. This we have noticed creates more ideas and makes us more eager to realize them.
The ham and the pickled herring are on the table, and the bread is baked. Add to that Christmas beer, and Swedes would recognize it as a typical Christmas, regardless of whether you looked into a home this year, a hundred or two hundred years ago. So what has changed, and what has improved?
If we want to build a truly sustainable world, it isn't enough, just harming the environment less. We need to recognize that the planet's health is imperative β and caring for it is tremendously rewarding, writes Marco Borsari.
Will electric cars be cheaper to buy than the equivalent petrol cars in 2025? And does it matter when the big shift from petrol to electricity takes place? We have updated our forecast from last spring.
The challenges young people face in Africa are plenty. However, there is a lot of optimism in the young who are making use of education and their rights to participate in the political debate, writes Khumbu Muleya.
The year is 2021 and of course, men and women are equally capable. Or are we? Women inventors and their innovations matter in more ways than you can imagine.
Is it a waste of both money and time to go to Mars? Or, is it to the great benefit of all mankind and our planet? In this article, Cornelia Ekvall shows why the answer to the latter question is a resounding: YES!
How do you play? Optimists and pessimists play different games, and they play in different ways, writes Nicklas Berild Lundblad.