Essays on how to understand and create the future. By becoming a premium supporter you support the creation and spreading of fact-based optimistic news. Together, we share ideas with a global network of optimistic and entrepreneurial people.
Conflicts are not bad. With the right methods, conflicts can enrich our lives in plenty of ways. Kelly Odell gives his best tips for resolving conflicts successfully.
Will we find cures for cancer? More than a third in Warp News survey think we will not. Get ready to dive in and get the facts on curing cancer.
Amazing things happen in Costa Rica. The country tops global rankings on happiness, has a very high number of centenarians and 99 percent of the country's energy is produced from renewables.
Electronic payments offer an unprecedented level of efficiency when it comes to tackling both money laundring and terrorism. Md Motiur Rahman writes about the launch of the Swedish e-krona which is coming closer...
The latest assembling techniques for wood panels make it possible to raise the bar of wooden skyscrapers, creating organic giants with reduced environmental impact.
Meet the naysayers who thrive on doom, hog the spotlight - and get almost everything wrong.
Less than a hundred years ago, cancer could not be treated. Many died without even understanding the seriousness of their diagnosis. A lot has happened since then. Are we even on the verge of curing cancer, asks Magnus Aschan.
At times it feels like very little progress is made to reduce climate change. Things have to be done faster. However, we will probably be surprised in 2035 how incredibly far we have come in reducing emissions. This is because a tsunami of climate solutions is on its way.
Is democracy in crisis? 2021 was a bad year and 2022 has started negatively. But if you look over time - behind some headlines - more countries are free today. Writes political scientist Max RΓ₯nge who has created democracy index.