📚 E-book: The Corona Vaccine Revolution
All experts were wrong. No one thought it was possible to get corona vaccines this fast. How was this possible? Daniel Åhlin writes about one of humanity's greatest achievements in this E-book.
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On March 11, 2020, the WHO Director-General stepped in front of the cameras. He looked stern, as he was to deliver a historic, and devastating message.
“In the past two weeks, the number of cases of COVID-19 outside China has increased 13-fold, and the number of affected countries has tripled.”
The room grew completely silent.
“4,291 people have lost their lives,” he continued.
And then came the gut punch:
“We have therefore made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic.”
Humanity was facing one of its worst crises and what looked like the largest global pandemic in over a century. At that time, during the Spanish flu, at least 50 million people died.
The good news was that a vaccine was a possible solution to stop the virus. The bad news was that the previous record time to develop a new vaccine was over four years.
We now know that we blew that previous record out of the water. Vaccinations started only months later. In April 2021 over one billion vaccine doses have been administered.
No one predicted this. All the experts were much more pessimistic, even in their most optimistic scenarios. New York Times had a very ambitious article showing eight stages of vaccine development. If you choose the most optimistic outcome for each of the eight stages a vaccine would be ready in February 2021.
So even if you choose the most optimistic alternative eight times in a row, the result was too pessimistic. This must count as one of humanity’s greatest achievements.
How was this possible?
This is a story that must be told. And that is what Daniel Åhlin does in this book.
The book is written in English and available as:
PDF – Suitable for reading on your computer, tablet, or print out (A4)
EPUB – Suitable for smartphones and apps such as Books for iPhone and Lithium on Android
MOBI – Suitable for Amazon Kindle (when importing you will have to add an author name – add Warp News)
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About the author
Daniel Åhlin is a journalist and writer. He has previously worked as an editor at TechWorld, IDG and Editor-in-Chief at Swedish Telekom Idag. He has also published several books.
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