πŸ’‘ Warp News #175

Warp Editorial Staff
Warp Editorial Staff

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πŸ”Ž Too bad to be true investigation starts!

You donated half the amount, and The Progress Network has stepped in with the other half.

This means that we are starting the investigation!

We aim to publish it at the end of March.

Thank you to everyone who donated and to The Progress Network!

I can highly recommend their free weekly newsletter, What Could Go Right?

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Read more and become a subscriber.

Mathias Sundin
Editor-in-Chief, Warp News

πŸ’‘ Optimist's Edge: Self-driving cars will be a freedom revolution for people with disabilities

πŸ’‘ Self-driving cars will look different and be much cheaper to travel, meaning a freedom revolution for people with disabilities.

πŸ’‘ Optimist’s Edge: Self driving cars will be a freedom revolution for people with disabilities

πŸ“Ί Why are people so pessimistic about the future? Part 2 - the news media

Good journalism is one of the most important things we have in society. But news media is unbalanced and report much more negative news than positive, which gives us a distorted and pessimistic view of the world.

Read this Premium Supporter article on Warp News

🍫 Nestlé Pilots Recyclable Paper in Australia

KitKat’s parent company NestlΓ© has recently announced a pilot program to test compostable and recyclable paper packaging for their chocolate bars.

Read more on Warp News.

🌀 Minnesota Installs New Community Solar Garden

In Makato, Minnesota, a 1.2-megawatt solar array will be built this year. People living in apartments, mobile home park occupants as well as individuals with low credit scores can subscribe and own a share of the solar array.

Read more on Warp News.

πŸ† The cheetah returns to India

Dozens of cheetahs are to be sent from South Africa to India over the next few years to rebuild a new cheetah tribe after the one that was wiped out in the 1950s.

Read more on Warp News.

🧲 Magnets remove dangerous "forever chemicals" from water

A new method for removing β€œforever chemicals” from water. A solution is added to contaminated water, making the chemicals and contaminants magnetic which allows them to be easily attracted.

Read more on Warp News.

🐼 WWF helps companies to better manage biodiversity

A risk filter will show the companies what risks their own operations pose to biological diversity in the world.

Read more on Warp News.

🏑 3D printed houses in 24 hours

Mighty Buildings uses a 20-foot-high printer inside a warehouse to print small homes in just 24 hours.

Read more on Warp News.