β Vietnam stops illegal animal markets
The Vietnamese government has issued a comprehensive new directive banning the sale of protected animals in markets. They are also introducing a temporary moratorium on imports of wildlife, including animal parts and products.
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Vietnam is an important transit and destination country for several illegal animal products, including elephant ivory, rhinoceros, pangolin shells and tiger parts. It is now hoped that a new directive will work to combat wildlife trafficking in the country effectively.
Some of the main points of the directive are that:
- Imports of live or dead wildlife, eggs, larvae, parts and derivatives of wildlife are stopped
- Markets and shops where illegal animal products are sold are closed
- No citizen, especially government officials, may illegally hunt, trade, kill, own, consume or advertise protected wildlife or illegal animal products
- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development will cooperate with relevant authorities to monitor wildlife in captivity, including by ensuring that wildlife is legally acquired and that a minimum level of hygiene is met.
- A database of plantations and facilities will be established
- The Ministry of Public Security will strengthen law enforcement, in particular against cross-border organized crime
- The Ministry will cooperate with relevant authorities to monitor the illegal trade in wildlife
- The Ministry of Defense will strengthen customs and border control
Read more at Viet Nam News .
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