In the last decades humanity has made great progress with less extreme poverty, increased health, wealth and democracy. We follow in the tradition of professor Hans Rosling.
All signatories of the Chemical Weapons Convention have now destroyed their stockpiles.
Despite frequent claims of rising inequality, global inequality is actually decreasing. Around the end of the Cold War, global inequality reached its zenith with a Gini index score of 69.4 in 1988. By 2018, this figure had fallen to 60.1, a level last seen at the end of the 19th century.
2021 and 2022 represented a break in the trend, with fewer children experiencing their parents' separation.
The number of oil spills from tankers has seen a significant decrease. Also the quantity of oil spilled has decreased dramatically.
The vaccine has the potential to save up to 250,000 lives annually. NmCV-5, unlike current alternatives, provides protection against five main meningococcal strains, including the dangerous emerging X strain.
The first five months of 2023 have seen a sharp decline in murder rate, in more than 90 cities across America.
Most people believe morality is on the decline. But data shows no change in everyday morality over several decades. It might even be the opposite.
Almost 90 percent fewer cases were recorded in the last three months compared to the previous three-month period.
Americans' overinflated fear of terrorism has long driven policy responses that may not align with the actual risks. A recent study offers hope that this can change.