πŸ“ˆ Human Progress

In the last decades humanity has made great progress with less extreme poverty, increased health, wealth and democracy. We follow in the tradition of professor Hans Rosling.

WALL-Y 2 min read

πŸ₯” Genetically modified potatoes increase yields and eliminate the need for pesticides

Scientists have tested genetically modified potatoes that show promising results in combating late blight, a disease that causes significant crop losses. In field trials, the GMO potato variety Vic.172 showed total resistance to late blight, potentially reducing the need for pesticides.

WALL-Y 2 min read

πŸ“‰ India has eliminated extreme poverty (and increased economic equality)

India has eradicated all extreme poverty, according to the international poverty line of 1.9 dollars per day. This is partly thanks to a growth rate of 2.9 percent per year since 2011-12. At the same time, economic inequality has significantly decreased in both urban and rural areas.

WALL-Y 2 min read

πŸ¦‘ One hundred new species discovered off the coast of Chile

Scientists have possibly discovered one hundred new species at the underwater mountains near the coast of Chile, with the help of a robot that can dive over 4000 meters. An unknown species of sea cucumbers and rarely seen species such as squids and corals have been identified.

Mathias SundinWALL-Y 3 min read

πŸ€– Klarna's new AI assistant does the same job as 700 people, after one month

The AI assistant has handled 2.3 million conversations, equivalent to two-thirds of all customer service chats, in its first month. Customers now resolve their issues in less than 2 minutes, an improvement of 82 percent compared to before.

Mathias Sundin 1 min read

πŸ“‰ Emissions from new cars have halved over the past four years

Carbon dioxide emissions from new passenger cars decreased by over 8 percent from the previous year. Over the past four years, emissions from the average new passenger car have almost halved. The significant increase in electric cars is crucial for this development.

WALL-Y 2 min read

🦟 Cape Verde reaches milestone – free from malaria

Cape Verde has been declared free from malaria by WHO. No cases of local transmission have been reported for three years, thanks to strengthened health care systems and increased access to diagnosis and treatment.

WALL-Y 1 min read

πŸ”« Sharp decline in U.S. murders during 2023

The United States is on track for a record reduction in murders, according to the FBI. Of the nine categories of violent and property crimes, only motor vehicle theft has increased.

WALL-Y 3 min read

πŸ’‰ "Possible to eradicate Malaria within ten years"

New vaccines against malaria are hailed as one of the most important scientific advances. The vaccines Mosquirix and R21 reduce both the prevalence and mortality of malaria.

WALL-Y 1 min read

πŸ’” Decreased mortality from heart diseases and stroke in the USA

Mortality from cardiovascular diseases has decreased by 4.7 percent from 2010 to 2020. The number of people in the USA dying from heart attacks each year has decreased from 1 in 2 to now 1 in 8. Stroke has also decreased. It was the third leading cause of death in 1938 but is now in fifth place.