Health Tech, or digital health, helps us understand and take control of our own health. But we also cover more traditional health news like medicines, vaccines and medical procedures.
In groundbreaking use of CRISPR gene-editing technology, scientists have engineered flu-resistant chickens. This is a first step towards reducing avian flu outbreaks.
The second such vaccine, expected to significantly bolster supply and save countless lives in Africa. A monumental step towards a malaria-free future, says WHO.
ChatGPT was compared to doctors in a Dutch study. Version 4 of ChatGPT made the correct diagnosis in 97 percent of cases.
The tool predicts disease-causing likelihood of mutations with 90 percent accuracy. It aids genomics researchers in diagnosing diseases and finding treatments faster.
Drones significantly reduce vaccine supply time to remote clinics. Drone deliveries take only 55 minutes to reach the remotest clinics, which would take over 5 hours by road.
Decades-long challenge overcome by scientists. Addition of 30 million new bases to the human genome. Discovery reveals 41 new protein-coding genes.
Is Neko Health the battering ram needed to truly transform sick care into actual healthcare? I've visited them, looked around, and talked to one of the founders, Hjalmar Nilsonne.
Bacteria use a "scissors" system called CRISPR-Cas against viruses, and scientists have now discovered that complex cells, like ours, have a similar tool too.
Tuberculosis kills over 1.6 million per year. But there is hope on the horizon, with the new M72 vaccine. The first new TB vaccine in a century.