❤️ Health Tech

Health Tech, or digital health, helps us understand and take control of our own health. But we also cover more traditional health news like medicines, vaccines and medical procedures.

Mathias Sundin 1 min read

👩‍⚕️ An AI helps diagnose cervical cancer faster

Microsoft and SRL Diagnostics have developed an AI tool that helps detect cervical cancer.

Rich Spuller 1 min read

👨‍🦯 Innovative Smart Cane is Allowing More Independence For The Visually Impaired

WeWalk [https://wewalk.io/en/], a Turkish startup, has developed a smart cane that has the potential to be truly life-changing for the blind all around the world. As the World Health Organization reports [https://www.who.int/blindness/GLOBALDATAFINALforweb.pdf], there are over 250 million people globally who are

Rich Spuller 1 min read

Augmented Reality Imagery Effectively Gives Surgeons 3D X-Ray Vision

Mediview [https://mediviewxr.com/] is an Ohio based startup whose vision to develop an organization that participates in patient-centered cancer care via disruptive surgical navigation medical technology. Recently, they raised $4.5 million for MediView XR.  A technology to equip surgeons with augmented reality imagery that effectively gives them 3D

Mathias Sundin 1 min read

Vaccine against 1.5 million killer tuberculosis is a step closer

💉 Tuberculosis kills 1.5 million people around the world each year. This vaccine could revolutionize treatment and provide long-term protection. It has already cleared a critical phase of clinical trials and been tested on more than 3,500 adults in TB endemic regions of South Africa, Kenya and Zambia, researchers

Rich Spuller 1 min read

A.I. Allowed a Paralyzed Person to 'Handwrite' Using His Mind

Imagine scribbling down some notes using your mind, and  A.I. interprets those thoughts into writing. Brain-computer interfaces allow people to control computer inputs with their minds. While the technology is in its very early stages, it is showing great promise.  Especially for paralyzed people. People who are fully paralyzed,

Mathias Sundin 1 min read

These eye drops could soon help improve your vision

One of the most frustrating parts of growing older is not being able to read the small print as well as you used to. Fortunately, for those fed up with squinting at menus in poorly lit restaurants, there may soon be a solution: vision-improving eye drops. The eye drops, created

Mathias Sundin 1 min read

Eye drops that reverse poor vision are one step closer to market

Eye drops that can reverse poor vision is one step closer to market after showing to improve farsightedness in a clinical trial. ️Farsightedness is extremely common, occurring in more than half of individuals over the age of 45. The drops offer temporary relief reversal of farsightedness. Their effects can be

Mathias Sundin 1 min read

Huge study finds this cheap drug could save thousands of head injury patients

UK doctors have discovered that a cheap and widely available drug could save hundreds of thousands of lives each year if it was routinely given to people brought into hospitals with head injuries. The drug is called Tranexamic acid, and it apparently helps stop the bleeding in and around the

Rich Spuller 1 min read

Building an "Atlas" of the Human Body

An ambitious new project coordinated by the National Institutes of Health [https://commonfund.nih.gov/hubmap]has set out to map the tens of trillions of cells in our bodies to better understand how they work in unison and keep us alive. Dubbed “The Human BioMolecular Atlas Program”, the goal