Health Tech, or digital health, helps us understand and take control of our own health. But we also cover more traditional health news like medicines, vaccines and medical procedures.
Detecting Alzheimer's at an early stage can give us better medicines for the disease in the future.
A simple and inexpensive method makes pesticides against malaria mosquitoes much more effective.
Researchers have created an algorithm to help doctors initiate treatment even before the disease has broken out.
A new technology allows AI to describe images better than a human can, which can be very helpful for the visually impaired who use computers and mobile phones.
Prosthetics are amazing. Not only do they give human beings back their independence and mobility, but animals are also benefiting from them too. Here are 13 great stories of animals getting back on their feet, fins, and wings thanks to their new prosthetics.
A combination of radiation and the delivery of drugs at the nano-level gives hope for much more effective cancer treatments in the future.
A combination of sound and weak electrical pulses means that the brain focuses less on the tinnitus sound.
In-depth learning will give researchers better information about how a drug works in the human body.
Vaccination reduces the risk of cervical cancer and has the greatest effect if the vaccine is given to young people.