❤️ Health Tech

Health Tech, or digital health, helps us understand and take control of our own health. But we also cover more traditional health news like medicines, vaccines and medical procedures.

Elina Holmgren Tyskling 2 min read

🧬DeepMind plans to releases a database with all known proteins in the world

DeepMind has created an AI that can predict the shape of a protein with the accuracy of a fraction of an atomic width. The company now provides access to the shape of millions of proteins in an open database.

Eric Porper 6 min read

💡 Optimist's Edge: Video games rot your brain... not!

The ancient statement that games are bad for you are getting old, and not in a good way. In this article, you get the edge of how video games can help you grow attractive traits and skills that help you both in private- and work life.

Khumbu Muleya 1 min read

🌋 Mobile app reunites families in volcano eruption

A newly developed app helps families reunite during volcanic eruptions. The app has already helped reunite children with their parents in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Kent Olofsson 1 min read

😩 An inflatable implant can ease pain more efficient than pills

An implant thin as hair that wraps around the spine can help patients that suffer from severe pain.

Kent Olofsson 1 min read

🥽 VR provides pain relief to kids with burn injuries

A VR app reduces the pain when children with burn injuries need to do dressing changes.

Kent Olofsson 1 min read

🐝Vaccine for bees makes them immune against pesticides

A vaccine can break down pesticides in the stomach of bees, preventing them from dying. The new vaccine has turned into a company.

Kent Olofsson 1 min read

💊A mint that can make your teeth whiter

Scientists have genetically engineered a mint that rebuilds destroyed enamel and makes your teeth whiter.

Elina Holmgren Tyskling 12 min read

💡Optimist's Edge: This is how scientists are trying to outmaneuver aging to give you a longer life

Since the beginning of humanity, humans have had to find contentment in the dilemma that living means aging and death. But old age is not inevitable. There are several ways to slow down and reverse aging and this is what you need to know to have a chance at a 100-year life.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

✈ The sound of airplanes – from thunder to the rumbling of a hairdryer

A new sound-insulating material can lower the noise level of an airplane engine by 80 percent, and at the same time reduce the weight of the insulating material.