❤️ Health Tech

Health Tech, or digital health, helps us understand and take control of our own health. But we also cover more traditional health news like medicines, vaccines and medical procedures.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

🤖 "Star" operates "significantly better" than a human surgeon

With the help of machine learning, researchers have taught a robot to perform bowel surgery on its own - and even better than human surgeons can.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

🔬 Gynecological cell samples can detect breast and ovarian cancer

Cell samples from the cervix can identify risks for more cancers than just cervical cancer.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

🦿 Complicated bone fractures can heal faster with "micro-robots"

A material that can take different shapes and change hardness can provide faster healing in bone fractures.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

🧬 New machine speeds up DNA sequencing - hours instead of weeks

Faster sequencing of the entire genome can give doctors new opportunities to quickly diagnose and initiate the proper treatment.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

🔬 AI just as good at diagnosing prostate cancer as a pathologist

A competition shows that AI is as good as human pathologists at diagnosing cancer.

Maria Eriksson 7 min read

💡 Optimist's Edge: Six good reasons for protecting more nature

Most people believe that less nature is protected today compared with 20 years ago. But this is not what reality looks like. Read more about how we can boost both the economy - and our health - by becoming even better at taking care of nature.

Jakob Holgersson 1 min read

🍱 No more food poisoning with smarter packaging

An environmentally friendly food packaging can help keep food edible longer and eliminate harmful bacteria.

Kent Olofsson 1 min read

🔬Simple test finds undetected cancer

A new cancer test provides a cheap and easy way to detect cancer - even where the symptoms are unclear.

Marco Borsari 8 min read

🌿 Hemp - the start of a veg-tech revolution?

Cultivated for millennia and used in many sectors such as textiles and food, the most recent research shows how hemp can replace many synthetic products in construction, automotive, environmental remediation, and pharma.