❤️ Health Tech

Health Tech, or digital health, helps us understand and take control of our own health. But we also cover more traditional health news like medicines, vaccines and medical procedures.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

👁 Ultrasound can help visually impaired see again

By stimulating damaged visual cells with ultrasound, it is possible to heal the damaged cells and restore vision.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

📳 Mobile phones do not increase the risk of brain tumors

A new study can not see any connection between talking on a mobile phone and the risk of getting a brain tumor.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

🕶 VR can help people with psychosis

By practicing everyday chores, such as shopping, in a virtual environment, people with psychotic disorders find it easier to deal with the same things in real life.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

📱 App relieves post-traumatic stress

Researchers at Uppsala University have investigated whether a mobile app can relieve post-traumatic stress and depression and the results are promising.

Kent Olofsson 1 min read

🧬 42 new genes risk for Alzheimer's – increases the possibility of treatment

The risk of suffering from Alzheimer's disease is affected by more than twice as many genes as we previously believed.

Magnus Aschan 3 min read

💡 Optimist's Edge: Curing cancer

Will we find cures for cancer? More than a third in Warp News survey think we will not. Get ready to dive in and get the facts on curing cancer.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

🎗Researchers discover mechanism that can protect against breast cancer

High levels of a protein can reduce the risk of developing a difficult-to-treat form of breast cancer and also increase the chances of survival for those who still suffer.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

🧬 Gene editing with Crispr becomes 4,000 times more accurate

By stopping the Crispr gene shears from trying to cut genes in the wrong area, it is now possible to reduce the risk of unwanted effects during gene editing.

Ulrika Gerth 4 min read

💡 Optimist's Edge: Your fresh ideas could help solve the water crisis

The global water crisis is serious. But so are the efforts to solve it. Is the elimination of thirst next? Ulrika Gerth guides you through this essential topic.