๐Ÿ’จ Air purifier instead of face mask - UV light removes 99% of viruses and bacteria in the air

๐Ÿ’จ Air purifier instead of face mask - UV light removes 99% of viruses and bacteria in the air

UV lighting purifies the air we breathe in, through a portable air purifier - a "wearable".

Per Soderstrom
Per Soderstrom

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A new form of protection against infection will be launched soon. It uses UV light to kill viruses and bacteria near the user. Imagine a variant of the bicycle helmet Hรถvding - you have the air purifier on you, around your neck and it is powered by a battery.

A startup company in Estonia called Respiray will soon launch the different form of protective equipment. The founders of the company saw early on that there would not be enough personal protective equipment against COVID-19 around the world. With their knowledge of UV lighting, the founders created this product.

Instead of physically filtering airborne virus particles from inhaling and / or accompanying the exhaled air - as in the example with face masks and visors - invisible UV light is used to clean the air near the person wearing the UV air purifier.

The air circulates up, in front of the face. To increase the protective effect, a visor can be mounted - upside down compared to the ones we are used to. The visor is removable and replaceable.

UV light damages the genetic code of particles struck by the light, so that viruses or bacteria lose the ability to multiply.

Studies have shown that the air purifier kills over ninety-nine percent of the air's virus particles and bacteria.

Using UV light to purify air and water is nothing new. For example, UV light is used as an environmentally friendly alternative for purifying water in swimming pools - instead of purifying with chlorine.

Approved vaccines are beginning to have an effect on the COVID-19 pandemic - but this virus and other viruses will not just disappear. That is why it is so important that we create additional solutions to protect ourselves and those around us, says Indrek Neivelt, CEO of Respiray

The latest technology with LED lamps has provided new opportunities for the use of UV lighting. The old type of UV lamps had the disadvantage that they formed ozone during use. It was also difficult to find the right wavelength and strength. (For the technically interested: Respiray uses UV light at a wavelength of about 265 nm.)

The purification with Respiray's product is affected by how the wearer moves, breathes and which environments they live in, so there is no guarantee against infection. Respiray is also clear that the air purifier is intended for environments with airborne infection, not drip infection. (Anyone who follows the pandemic debate already knows that there are divided opinions on whether COVID-19 is airborne or not.)

There will be many situations where Respiray's product will be welcome, past COVID-19.