π Building the world's largest facility for wave power
A wave power plant in Ordu in Turkey is to become the largest land-based plant in the world.
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Swedish Eco Wave Power is to build a wave power plant in Turkey. With a capacity of 77 megawatts, it will be the largest wave power facility in the world.
The technology is based on the waves driving a hydraulic motor which in turn drives an electric generator. The units are mounted on some land-based structure such as a dam, which facilitates assembly, maintenance, and connection to the power grid.

As the facilities are mounted on dams and the like, they do not need to be anchored to the seabed, which could otherwise negatively affect the nearby marine environment.
Eco Wave Power says the investment in their generators pays for itself in just three years, Crast.net reports. The lifetime of the generators should be around 30 years, which means that the cost of energy production is on par with solar and wind power. An advantage of wave power is that it can produce electricity even when it is dark and windless.
The company has already built facilities in Gibraltar and Israel and also has more projects in the pipeline.

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