♻️ Green Tech

Green Tech is an important part of the solution of climate change and other enviromental problems. Here you will find articles covering recycling, water purifying and tech used to conserve and protect natural resources. Also, news about Warp Green Tech Program will be found here.

Sakke Teerikoski 2 min read

🛩️ Successful test flight of the world's largest all-electric plane

A new milestone in low-cost zero-emission air travel.

Rich Spuller 4 min read

🚮 Litterati: The global team cleaning the Earth

Litterati is building an ecosystem to create a litter free world. When millions of people come together for a common goal, the impossible becomes reality, and lasting change happens.

Christian von Essen 1 min read

🌳 Africa is building a mighty green wall over the entire continent

In Africa, a Great Green Wall is being established right across the continent to prevent the spread of the Sahara desert.

Per Soderstrom 2 min read

🤩 Forget the PET bottle - time to make room for the plant-based material PEF

A new, plant-based packaging material will be able to replace plastic packaging in the food industry. It aims to be delivered to stores by as early as 2023.

Rich Spuller 3 min read

🌊 Scientists make history by becoming the first in the world to reproduce coral in human care

The historic breakthrough took place earlier this month at The Florida Aquarium’s Center for Conservation in Apollo Beach. The work is part of a collaboration effort to save the Florida Reef Tract from extinction.

Rich Spuller 1 min read

🐝 Pakistan’s honey production increases by 70% thanks to Billion Tree Project

The Billion Tree project, launched in 2018, is an ambitious country-wide effort in Pakistan to plant 10 billion trees over a 5-year span. The project has already led to the planting of hundreds of thousands of trees, resulting in a huge boost in bee populations.

Rich Spuller 2 min read

♻️ Majority of plastic recyclables in Halifax being turned into synthetic lumber

Halifax, Nova Scotia's unique arrangement with an innovative company is turning 80% of the city's recyclable plastics into lumber

Eva Sporrner 1 min read

📉 UK's CO2 emissions have dropped 29% over the last decade

Britain's carbon dioxide emissions decreased by 2.9 percent in 2019 and have decreased by a full 29 percent since 2010. At the same time GDP has increased 20 percent.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

⛵ Huge sailing ships can reduce emissions by 90 percent

This autumn, researchers will begin testing a prototype of a sailing ship that can replace today's large motorized transport ships.