♻️ Green Tech

Green Tech is an important part of the solution of climate change and other enviromental problems. Here you will find articles covering recycling, water purifying and tech used to conserve and protect natural resources. Also, news about Warp Green Tech Program will be found here.

Linn Winge 2 min read

🐮 New mask for cows helps reduce greenhouse gas

This mask captures and converts the highly potent greenhouse gas methane.

Linn Winge 1 min read

♻️ 3D printed living material that can grow "on-site"

Researchers have created a new 3D-printed, living material of algae.

Magnus Aschan 1 min read

🥇 Did you know that the Olympic medals are made of metal from recycled consumer electronics?

30.3kg of gold, 4,100kg of silver, and 2,700kg of bronze were recycled to create the Tokyo 2020 Olympic medals.

Elina Holmgren Tyskling 1 min read

💦 New nanoscale material can split water to make fuel

Hydrogen is somewhat the underdog in the vehicle fuel debate, but now scientists have made a breakthrough when it comes to extracting technology.

Linn Winge 1 min read

🛣 New road treatment cools cities and absorbs exhaust fumes

This spray-on road treatment helps cities deal with the heat island effect. On top of that, it absorbs exhaust fumes. One mile is equivalent to 20 acres of trees, in improved air quality.

Linn Winge 1 min read

🥬 Vertical farming is gaining big interest

Vertical farms across Europe show us that it is possible to grow greens locally without soil or sunshine.

Linn Winge 1 min read

🥬 Underwater farms - the future way to grow food?

This underwater farm uses solar energy and desalinated water to grow vegetables. And, It turns out that underwater is an ideal place for plant cultivation.

Khumbu Muleya 1 min read

🌴 Africa's first biomass power plant is in the pipeline

Côte d’Ivoire is set to get Africa’s first biomass-fired electricity generation plant with a capacity to produce 46MW.

Elina Holmgren TysklingNicklas Berild Lundblad 4 min read

✌️ Optimism and the Prisoner's Dilemma

Is there a formula to rely on in human interaction? It seems like there is, and you have probably already guessed it... It is an optimistic one!