Green Tech is an important part of the solution of climate change and other enviromental problems. Here you will find articles covering recycling, water purifying and tech used to conserve and protect natural resources. Also, news about Warp Green Tech Program will be found here.
Autophagic - or self-consuming - rockets, results in lighter rockets and almost no space debris.
The latest assembling techniques for wood panels make it possible to raise the bar of wooden skyscrapers, creating organic giants with reduced environmental impact.
By optimizing the process for recycling electric car batteries, it is possible to recycle the material both faster and more environmentally friendly.
More efficient electrolysis can reduce the cost of hydrogen by a quarter and make gas an interesting alternative fuel.
Two things the world needs more of are drinking water and batteries. Stanford engineers have refined a process that could give us both.
By using static electricity, it is possible to clean solar panels in deserts without using water. This means saving water that can provide two million people with drinking water.
According to the US Energy Information Administration, solar power took giant leaps forward in 2021 and will by far be the largest source of new electricity in 2022.
More electric cars on the roads is a big reason why emissions from road traffic decreased last year.
A new process makes it possible to create paper with the potential to replace plastic packaging.