Green Tech is an important part of the solution of climate change and other enviromental problems. Here you will find articles covering recycling, water purifying and tech used to conserve and protect natural resources. Also, news about Warp Green Tech Program will be found here.
Researchers have found a method to see how different materials can affect lithium metal batteries without having to do any physical experiments.
Scientists from Sichuan University have designed and developed a robotic fish that collects microplastic as it swims in the water. With the microplastics it can repair damages it gets while working.
What should we do to solve the problem of climate change? Should we set clear boundaries and push humanity back within them? Or should we evolve so that we can break these boundaries, but without destroying the earth? That is the most important debate of our time.
A small drone can gather pollutants from the water in urban environments, which is both easier and cheaper than doing it when the debris already has reached the sea.
Yeast that is normally used in the brewing of beer can also be used to purify water of heavy metals, such as lead, in a cheap and environmentally friendly way.
By capturing and storing carbon dioxide in the production of bio aviation fuel, it is possible to eliminate the climate impact of aviation completely.
By utilizing a natural physical process, it is possible to get solar panels to generate some electricity even during the dark part of the day.
In Jaisalmer, a city in India, students have to brave scorching temperatures to attend class. A new school, the Rajkumari Ratnavati Girls School, with a smart design keeps the school and its students cool without air conditioners.
The EU-funded PHOTOTRAMA project aims to develop innovative technology for recovering almost all raw materials coming from waste panels, not dispersing polluting metals into the environment and making the most of all the valuable parts.