๐Ÿงบ A new washing machine that saves 80% water and removes microplastics when you wash

๐Ÿงบ A new washing machine that saves 80% water and removes microplastics when you wash

Washing machines waste large amounts of water, and it is a waste that we often overlook. The Swedish company, Mimbly, has a product that saves water and energy while also separating microplastics.

Per Soderstrom
Per Soderstrom

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The company's first product, Mimbox, filters and recycles water in washing machines. It simultaneously saves energy and separates microplastics from the wash water.

Household washing machines can use between 10 and 30 gallons of water per wash, and industrial machines may need over 130 gallons. Thus, in countries with water scarcity, it is no small matter to reduce the water supply when washing by 80 percent.

In order to maximize the benefits, Mimbly's focus is to offer a solution internationally to large consumers: laundromats, hotels, and commercial washing machines and laundry rooms. A washing machine in a hotel can run 2,000 washes in a year, so the amount of water that can be saved is huge.

Mimbly comes from a Chalmers University program for startups and was selected in 2017 by IKEA as one of ten companies to participate in its accelerator program. A total of 1300 startups applied, 10 were selected. Only one of these was Swedish and that was Mimbly.

Even a brilliant idea has many obstacles to pass until a successful launch. The company's CEO, Isabella Palmgren, says that it has taken three times as long and cost three times as much as initially projected.

Mimbly has received a lot of positive feedback and media coverage for the idea. At the 2018 DI Digital event, they were the winner in the pitch competition for Female Founders. We look forward to following the company's development.

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Many thanks to Bodil Westerberg for tips on this article.

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