♻ 14 percent of all U.S jobs 2030 will be "green"
Green investment will account for much of the growth in the U.S labor market during the next few years.
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The transition to a "greener" economy is now becoming noticeable in labor market statistics in the USA. A report by Working Nation, a non-profit organization shows that six percent of all jobs in the United States are now green jobs. This means that nine million people now have "green" jobs.
Green jobs include, for example, installing solar panels and wind turbines, but also work connected to recycling. Working Nation also counts, for example, those who work in the finance department at green companies. So all the jobs that are somehow created by the green economy are included here.
More and more people will also have green jobs in the future, according to the report. By 2030, as much as 14 percent of all jobs in the United States will be green jobs. This corresponds to 24 million full-time positions.
The number of green jobs will thus increase much faster than other jobs. According to Working Nation, the number of green jobs will increase 16 times faster than the labor market as a whole.
The green jobs will also provide more job opportunities per dollar invested. On average, 17 jobs are created for every million dollars invested. But for green jobs, that figure is 20 jobs.
One of the reasons for this is that green investments save money after the investment is made. For example, if a property is insulated or has more efficient cooling, energy costs are reduced. Those savings can then be passed on to new investments that create jobs.
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