✍🏼 Essays

Every week you get a thought-provoking essay on how you can understand and create the future.

Magnus Aschan 3 min read

☠️ Doomscrolling - How your news feed gives you a negative worldview

Murder, war, and famine. What we doomscroll happens every day on earth. But we must understand that the news is a report of the worst that happens every given day. That is why we must balance our worldview.

Mathias Sundin 3 min read

πŸ™„ Are optimists naive? No, but the pessimists are

Contrary to popular belief, it is the pessimists that are naive, not the optimists. Despite tremendous progress for humanity, they think that this progress will suddenly end, without any reason. That is irrational and foolish.

Magnus Aschan 5 min read

πŸ’‘ The Case for Fact-based Optimism

"You can not use the media if you want to understand the world," said Hans Rosling. We hope to challenge that statement by giving you a more balanced, fact-based, and optimistic view of the world and the future.

Mathias Sundin 1 min read

πŸ€‘ Owning an electric vehicle is less expensive compared to a gas car

You can save thousands of dollars by owning an electric vehicle than a gas car, even if the purchase price for buying the electric vehicle is higher, according to two new reports.

Mathias Sundin 4 min read

πŸ”‹ Tesla’s Battery Day spells the end of the ICE age

If we connect the dots from Tesla's announcements on Battery Day we see the revolution in plain sight. The era of the internal combustion engine is over. By 2030 electric vehicles will be much cheaper both to buy and own, and very few ICE cars will be sold.

Mathias Sundin 4 min read

πŸ›« Air travel will also go electric

"It's impossible!" the pessimists say about electric airplanes. Anders Forslund and Klara Andreasson seem not to have heard them. Because in a hangar outside of Gothenburg, they are building a commercial 19 passenger electric airplane.

Mathias Sundin 3 min read

🌏 China will not dominate the world unless it becomes a democracy

How can democratic countries compete with a China that just commands forward innovation? But real breakthrough innovation can not be created in a closed system. A democratic China would be great for the Chinese - and for human progress and innovation.

Mathias Sundin 3 min read

‴️ The Warp Effect curves humanity's progress

Innovation = ideas + technology. The more ideas and the easier they spread the better technology. The better technology the easier it is to spread ideas. They drive each other and the curve of humanity warps.

Mathias Sundin 4 min read

🧠 Neuralink is the next natural step for humanity

All through human history, we have used technology to evolve. The next step is to connect our brains directly to computers, which will help humanity take a giant leap forward.