☢️ Rolls-Royce plans new nuclear power in Sweden - could be SMR at Marviken
For several decades, Rolls-Royce has been constructing small nuclear reactors, which are found on British nuclear submarines, among other places. Now, they plan to start building small modular reactors on land as well, and some of these may be placed in Marviken, Sweden.
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Tidningen Näringslivet reveals that Rolls-Royce is advancing its plans to build new nuclear power in Sweden. Rolls-Royce and the iPower Group, which owns the old nuclear power plant in Marviken outside Norrköping, signed an agreement a year ago. It was about assessing the possibilities of placing such modular reactors, SMR, there. Now, they are moving forward with the collaboration.
"We are now taking the next step. It involves initiating and deepening dialogues with individuals and organizations affected by the plans, preparing permit processes, and developing a complete technical analysis and a final business plan to attract the right investors to then be able to take the project further," says entrepreneur and iPower Groups CEO Niclas Adler to Tidningen Näringslivet.

Rolls-Royce has long experience with small nuclear reactors, providing them for the UK's nuclear submarines, among others. Since 2015, they have also been developing SMR to be placed on land. Two to four such reactors could end up in Marviken.
Last week we reported that Swedish Biofuels also plans to establish itself in the Marviken area, to produce green aviation fuel.

According to the world's largest database for large projects, nuclear power is in third place over the projects that most often exceed in cost and time. One reason is that so little of the construction is mass-produced, which could be remedied with SMR. As much as possible of such a reactor will be built in a factory and shipped to its destination.
Read more about how to build smart, on time, and within budget in our Optimist's Edge article:

Mathias Sundin
The Angry Optimist
For several years I was a Deputy Mayor in Norrköping.
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