πŸ”† Change the car - keep the battery

πŸ”† Change the car - keep the battery

Batteries that last for over two million kilometers have a significantly longer service life than the rest of the car. What does it mean when we have to "buy a new car?"

Per Soderstrom
Per Soderstrom

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A battery that holds for two million kilometers per charge changes the logic of car buying.

Today we mostly look at how many kilometers an electric car can be driven on a charge. VW's upcoming bestseller iD3 can reach up to 550 km on a charge. Tesla has announced that their model 3 will run 650 km.

Today's batteries often have a warranty of 8 years or 25,000 miles - "whichever comes first" as it is usually called.

Soon, a battery may be launched that provides a mileage of two million km . (For those of you wondering, it equates to fifty turns around the earth.) Tesla looks to be the first with the new power source.

Around the Earth five times with the same battery - but with a few car changes on the road

In the future we may choose the battery first, and the car second? Since ball bearings, wheel mounts, electric motors and fittings can barely handle fifty trips around the Earth, we will be asked which new car our battery should to move to.

The Chinese company Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd. is already the world's largest manufacturer of batteries for electric vehicles . Their batteries are already in cars from BMW, Tesla, Toyota, Honda and Volkswagen.

The latest battery technology is based on new material in both cathode and anode, and the material in between. (For more tech facts, see the link to Singularity University's article here .)

CATL intends to share the technology on which the new battery technology is based, so that other manufacturers can take the step faster. Tesla's upcoming Model 3s may be the first car with the latest technology. Other car manufacturers do not learn to be on the side of the road, this is not news to them.

Speaking of other manufacturers, many have had to postpone the launch of upcoming electric-powered models. Ford has had plans for a "coming-soon launch" of an electric version of its successful pickup F-150. It is now advanced to 2022, and GM is charging for an electric powered Hummer. The question is whether anyone can catch Tesla in the short term, if their Cyber ​​truck is already ready for the new battery technology?

Could it be that the new technology is also accelerating the development of self-driving public transport?

Either way - let the future come faster!

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