Students using AI tutors learn more than twice as much in less time compared to traditional active classroom teaching. AI tutoring resulted in higher engagement and motivation among students.
In a pilot project in Nigeria, students got to use AI as a virtual teacher. They performed significantly better than other students in all tested areas.
The introduction of ChatGPT in schools can be compared to the introduction of the textbook, says Trond Ingebretsen, division director in the Education Agency.
The journey to develop AI services for school and education continues. This time I visit a class, which gave me both dΓ©jΓ vu and an aha experience.
I found myself sitting there again. In a teacher's room. Almost 20 years since last time. Back then as a student teacher, this time as an AI developer. Now begins a journey towards developing AI services for education.
Founded by Elon Musk and Joshua Dahn, Synthesis prepares students to solve complex problems, advancing human civilization one bright mind at a time.
How do you prepare for a future that is largely unknown? How do you contribute to changing the world for the better? How do you create tools for a good life? The school could play an important role in all this, if we dare to think anew.