Mathias Sundin

Mathias Sundin

CEO of Warp News. Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Warp Institute. Former Member of Parliament.

Mathias Sundin 8 min read

πŸš— Tesla's unique position beyond the hype

Has the stock market gone crazy or is there substance behind the hype? To value Tesla, one must understand the dramatic change the automotive industry is going through and how Tesla is leading that change.

Mathias Sundin 1 min read

πŸ—‘ Now we can turn garbage into the super material graphene

A new method allows us to massproduce graphene with food waste and other garbage as raw material.

Mathias Sundin 1 min read

πŸ”‹HUMMER symbolized contempt for CO2 emissions - now it makes a comeback as an electric car

It was big and noisy, drank gasoline like no other and emitted lots of carbon dioxide. After the financial crisis, it came to symbolize much of what went wrong and production was shut down in 2010. Now it comes back as an electric car.

Mathias Sundin 1 min read

πŸ›¬ Carbon emissions per passenger decrease more than 50% since 1990

Much of the improvement has occurred because the industry has achieved an annual fuel efficiency improvement of 2.3% over the period since 2009.

Magnus AschanMathias Sundin 3 min read

πŸ“° Warp News – the news agency that gives you a balanced view of the world

β€œIf it bleeds it leads” is a truism, a matter of fact for anyone who works with or follows the news reporting in the media. A truism we intend to change. Shouldn't the media report reality? Of course they should, but now there is a big overweight of

Mathias Sundin 1 min read

πŸ“± No link between screen time and mental health problems for kids

Several new studies come to the same conclusion. There is no evidence that anxiety, depression and other mental health problems are caused by screen time.

Mathias Sundin 2 min read

πŸ”¬ This could be the cure for cancer

A T cell with a new type of receptor kills all types of cancer cells in laboratory tests. The hope is therefore that we could actually find the general cure for cancer that we have been searching for for many decades.

Mathias Sundin 2 min read

More self-driving cars mean fewer traffic jams

As little as seven percent of self-driving cars on the roads can double the average speed of congested roads.

Mathias Sundin 10 min read

The self-driving future started with a competition nobody won

The self-driving revolution started with this car and a competition in the desert that nobody won. Some people now claim that nothing has happened in autonomous driving. They are about to be disrupted.