All through human history, we have used technology to evolve. The next step is to connect our brains directly to computers, which will help humanity take a giant leap forward.
Gargle, spit and a few seconds later you have the answer if you have COVID-19. A new test is now being tested in Israel.
The internet's first era was open platforms. In the second era huge, more closed, companies were built on top of those platforms. Now when we enter the third era, we can again create a more open internet.
Six of the world's ten largest companies are in the oil & gas industry. But clean energy is now destroying their business model in the biggest - and best - disruption of an industry ever. If you want to have a positive impact on the world, and become richer than an oil sheik this is the place to be.
You breathe into a hand-held device that within one minute tells if you have the coronavirus.
NASA's Mars rover Perseverance is on its way to the Red Planet. Once there it will try the first-ever flight on another celestial body.
What happens when people are told to smash and destroy a cute robot-dinosaur called Mr. Spaghetti? MIT researcher Kate Darling tested five groups of people and the results say a lot about or relationships with robots - and why we name them.
To overthrow a dictatorship you need violence, right? Not if you want to increase your chances of success. Non-violent campaigns are twice as likely to succeed than violent campaigns in overthrowing oppression. And with social media and the smartphone a new weapon has emerged for the oppressed.
The energy company Tibber and about 1,000 of their Swedish customers will be the first in the world to use their electric car chargers to stabilize the electricity grid.