A fire in a tall building can be tough for firefighters to reach. This drone can go as high as 300 meters to spray the fire and also detect humans in the building.
Contrary to popular belief, it is the pessimists that are naive, not the optimists. Despite tremendous progress for humanity, they think that this progress will suddenly end, without any reason. That is irrational and foolish.
PayPal customers will be able to hold blockchain based cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum in their digital wallets.
A steak produced in space - without killing a cow. Does that sound like science fiction? Well, now it's science fact.
She is a former intelligence officer, who now works as Chief Information Architect at Combitech. AI and VR are the technologies that will do the most good for humanity in the future, she believes.
Excited Tesla owners test the Full-Self Driving beta software. The roll-out will provide Tesla with lots of data that it will use to upgrade and make the software better continually.