Mathias Sundin

Mathias Sundin

CEO of Warp News. Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Warp Institute. Former Member of Parliament.

Rich SpullerMathias SundinMagnus AschanEric Porper 1 min read

🎧 The New Optimist's Edge: Founder's Discussion Podcast

Warp News co-founders, Mathias Sundin, Magnus Aschan, Rich Spuller, and Eric Porper discuss the NEW Optimist's Edge.

Mathias Sundin 7 min read

πŸ’‘ Optimist's Edge: This is when electric cars will be cheaper than petrol cars

72 percent are completely wrong about when electric cars will be cheaper to buy than petrol cars, and out of those half think that it will NEVER happen. Electric vehicles will overtake petrol cars when the cost of the battery makes them cheaper to buy. We reveal when this will happen.

Mathias Sundin 2 min read

πŸ“ Warp News Impact Report - March 2021

We published the best-selling author of the Rational Optimist, Matt Ridley. Named Johan Kuylienstierna Fact-based Optimist of the Year and set a date for Warp Space Summit.

Mathias Sundin 2 min read

πŸ“ Warp News Impact Report - February 2021

We live-streamed NASA landing on Mars, launched our first (very popular!) quiz and started recruiting new volunteers. Our most read article was about Elon Musk.

Mathias Sundin 7 min read

πŸ’‘ Here's to the optimists - our celebration of the crazy optimists that are changing the world

Here’s to the optimists, the dreamers, the doers, the creatives, the builders of something new. Here is our video celebrating the crazy optimists who are changing the world.

Mathias Sundin 11 min read

πŸ’‘ Warp News Manifesto

News media is constantly bombarding us with negative news and headlines. That has turned a majority of people into pessimists. And pessimists don't push the human race forward. For that we need optimists. To get more optimists we need to balance news media. That is the mission of Warp News.

Mathias Sundin 3 min read

πŸ’‘ Infinite human knowledge is possible

Is there an upper limit to what we as humanity can know and learn? Are there problems we can't solve because our brains are too insignificant? Yes, at least according to the prevailing attitude of most people. But is that really true? Not if you ask Oxford professor David Deutsch.

Mathias Sundin 5 min read

πŸ“° Do you think media is a dying business? Think again

Most people think that media is a lousy business, because they see lots of old media companies struggling. But the free global distribution of content is a huge opportunity for journalism and will create massive global media companies.

Mathias Sundin 2 min read

πŸ“ Warp News Impact Report - January 2021

Our premiere article with Warp News expert Doctor Mouna was our most-read content in January, we have given Steven Pinker's book to the Swedish Parliament and find out which three news articles were our most read in January.