It was a product that was supposed to transform cities as much as the car did, praised by Steve Jobs, and fought over by investors eager to invest, created by a technical genius. A product so revolutionary that it only appears once per generation. That and other book tips for lazy summer days.
Human rights have improved in all regions over the past hundred years. Europe and Oceania have the highest levels of human rights protection. Africa and Asia have lower levels but have made significant progress.
If I were a criminal, I would focus on scams using AI. This is a real AI problem, unlike the fantasies about the end of humanity. But as often is the case, the solution can be found in the very technology that contributes to the problem.
She left university without hope. But then she happened to see one of Hans Rosling's talks, and it changed her life. Now she wants to become 'Rosling' for sustainability and believes that we can become the first generation to live completely sustainably.
Swedish-Japenese Sysmex Astrego has won the Longitude Prize of $10 million for its rapid test of bacterial infections. The test reduces the time to determine the correct antibiotic from three days to less than 45 minutes, and can be used directly at the first doctor's visit.
Showing people in advance what the manipulators will claim gives people mental antibodies to resist disinformation.