Linn Winge

Linn Winge

Linn Winge 1 min read

🏠 Transparent wood makes better windows

Scientists have created see through wood, almost as clear as glass, to make better and stronger insulating windows.

Linn Winge 1 min read

🚙 Device curbs microplastic emissions from tires

College students invent a device that reduces microplastic emissions from tires and win a Dyson Award.

Linn Winge 1 min read

🌲 Residual product from forestry becomes diesel

The Swedish company Colabitoil produces and sells HVO diesel from residual products from the forest industry.

Linn Winge 1 min read

🦋 “Extinct” butterfly returns to England

Scientists have successfully reintroduced the butterfly "Large Blue" in England, making this insect conservation program one of the biggest and most successful in the world.

Linn Winge 2 min read

♻️ Super-enzyme eats plastic

Researchers have created a superenzyme that breaks down plastic in just a couple of hours and prepares it for recycling.

Linn Winge 1 min read

🐦 Fires help the endangered black-backed woodpecker

Wildfires help the endangered black-backed woodpecker which is a keyspecies for a healthy ecosystem.

Linn Winge 2 min read

💧Drinking water made from sunlight and air

Solar powered panels pull water vapour out of the air and turn it into clean drinkable water.

Linn Winge 1 min read

Made of Air

The new start-up project, Made of Air, is a revolutionary new material which both removes already existing CO2 from the atmosphere and contributes to a more sustainable future.

Linn Winge 1 min read

🖼 Public art is to clean the air in cities

Murals clean the city air at the same time as they convey positive messages.