A new material might make it possible to not have to replace fixed batteries as often as is currently needed.
The number of projects for carbon dioxide separation and storage has increased by 44 percent compared to last year.
A new optical chip can transfer twice as much data with a single laser as the entire internet can currently handle.
An offshore wind facility with thousands of wind turbines will become China's largest wind farm.
In the future, a model will be able to simulate heart operations and show which procedure is best for each individual patient.
Better regulation of the battery's temperature during charging will provide fast charging even for smaller batteries and guarantee that a charge does not take more than ten minutes.
More households with two present parents and better opportunities for single mothers to work are some of the reasons for reduced child poverty.
A new screening test for cervical cancer can detect high-grade cell changes before they are possible to see with current methods.
Small wind turbines that don't need big spinning blades can give us wind power on the roofs.