Children between the ages of eight and twelve can help improve their awareness by playing a specially developed computer game.
Pangolin can no longer be used in traditional Chinese medicine, which could save hundreds of thousands of animals every year.
Quantum dots can concentrate the parts of the spectrum in light that plants use for their photosynthesis.
A method of recycling NiMH batteries can reuse as much as 95% of old batteries.
Researchers have found a gene that can both shrink tumors and prevent them from spreading cancer cells.
The EU Biodiversity Strategy will save both biodiversity and the economy.
Providing therapy over the internet works about as well as meeting eye-to-eye and allows the therapist to treat more patients.
A mind controlled arm prosthesis with feeling gives the amputee a better opportunity to grasp different types of objects.
An AI system can interpret ECG measurements and quickly provide physicians with information about which patients are at risk.