Kent Olofsson

Kent Olofsson

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

πŸ–₯ AI helps us detect Alzheimer's earlier

Detecting Alzheimer's at an early stage can give us better medicines for the disease in the future.

Kent Olofsson 1 min read

πŸ’‰ New malaria remedy is twelve times more effective than older remedy

A simple and inexpensive method makes pesticides against malaria mosquitoes much more effective.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

🐠 There is still hope for the coral reefs

Researchers are now testing a variety of methods to save coral reefs from being eradicated by climate change.

Kent Olofsson 1 min read

πŸ’‘ Now we finally have a superconducting material that works at room temperature

A new material conducts electricity without any resistance, which opens the door to super-efficient electricity networks, faster electronics, floating cars and much more.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

πŸ”¬ An algorithm can predict who can get tuberculosis and save millions of lives

Researchers have created an algorithm to help doctors initiate treatment even before the disease has broken out.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

🎞 AI can automatically describe images for the blind and visually impaired

A new technology allows AI to describe images better than a human can, which can be very helpful for the visually impaired who use computers and mobile phones.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

🌜 Artemis Accords will guarantee that space exploration benefits all of humanity

A new agreement will set up rules for future space exploration and reduce the ambiguities in the current agreement.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

πŸŒͺ Small wind turbines are driven by the wind from cars

Wind turbines on lampposts can provide enough electricity to power the lighting and more.

Kent Olofsson 2 min read

πŸ₯— A new robot takes us one step closer to the next green revolution

A rolling laboratory will help growers tailor plant plans for each individual plant and sprout.