One type of airgel can convert up to 95 percent of the moisture in the air into drinking water
A new effort to deploy jaguars in protected areas where locals welcome them will help Argentina save its jaguar population.
New method makes it easier and faster to implant artificial corneas, which gives many more people the chance to regain their sight.
A number of both rich and poor countries have joined forces to try to preserve a large part of the earth as wilderness.
A type of seagrass can catch plastic in its leaves which are then collected in balls and washed up on the beaches when there is a storm.
Sustainable energy is now cheaper than coal power in many countries and this makes new coal power plants a lousy investment.
A new AI could help radiologists prioritize mammography images and detect breast cancer earlier.
A foundation wants to create an archive of human knowledge and store it around the solar system on quartz disks that retain the information for billions of years.
A specially built robot kitchen and a robot attendant can make cooking a spectator sport in the future.