A disease threatens to eradicate the only banana variety we eat today, but with Crispr technology, researchers can make bananas resistant.
Over 90 percent of the population in some of the world's most populous countries want governments to work more actively to protect animals and nature.
By giving the local population knowledge and equipment to become beekeepers, it is possible to get rid of swidden farming and reduce the number of forest fires.
By adapting cochlear implants to each person's cochlea, we can get more effective treatment of severe hearing damage.
A neurofeedback system that everyone can use on their own will help people feel calmer and more focused.
By adding sulfuric acid correctly, it is possible to make new clothes or fuel from old cotton textiles that cannot be reused.
Mayonnaise dissolves tar that is stuck in the throat of sea turtles and nourishes them until they can eat their normal food again.
A diamond chronograph uses infrared light to take pictures of planets in the habitable zone.
A refrigerator-sized device that can both create hydrogen through electrolysis and store it in a fuel cell can act as a battery for solar energy.