It's progressing slowly, but it's progressing nonetheless. In a few decades, the ozone hole that lets dangerous UV radiation through will be a thing of the past.
By switching to gas or electricity instead of wood and charcoal, many people would avoid inhaling dangerous gases when cooking.
By modifying the genes in healthy T cells, doctors produced immune cells that could kill cancer cells that no other treatments could even detect.
An AI algorithm can keep track of when the price of items that are about to expire should be reduced, and by how much. This reducing wastage and increasing profits for stores.
Generous parental leave gives parents protection against depression, burnout, and anxiety.
Allowing some fields to grow back and putting more resources into increasing yields on remaining cropland gives the most biodiversity for the money.
A new test could help doctors distinguish between viral and bacterial infections and thus reduce the prescribing of antibiotics in cases when it wouldn't help.
A resistant grass variety showed researchers how corn can be made more resistant to nutrient deficiencies, reduce the need for fertilizer, and increase yields.
The same AI model used for ChatGPT can now also analyze texts people write to see if a person has early-stage Alzheimer's.