A sensor made in the graph can reduce the time it takes to diagnose someone who has had sepsis from hours to minutes, which can save many lives.
A company in California intends to cover irrigation canals with solar panels that will shade the canals and reduce evaporation while the panels generate electricity.
New substances can bind to tumors and give an earlier diagnosis of life-threatening prostate cancer.
Better sleeping habits and less bullying are some of the reasons why a large proportion of British young people actually felt better mentally during the beginning of the pandemic.
Better error correction in silicon-based quantum processors can give us significantly more useful quantum computers.
A walk three times a week is enough to improve the memory of people aged 55 and older.
By heating water under high pressure, it is possible to break down PFAS substances that would not otherwise degrade in nature.
Renewable electricity has become so cheap in Australia that the country's largest coal-fired power plant has become unprofitable and must be shut down earlier than planned.
Whale fishing has such little economic significance that the Icelandic government expects that no new permits for whaling will be granted after 2023.