A test shows that it is possible to run large passenger planes solely on sustainable fuels.
By practicing everyday chores, such as shopping, in a virtual environment, people with psychotic disorders find it easier to deal with the same things in real life.
Two huge cattle ranches will now become nature reserves and attract ecotourists to an area with 25 different ecosystems.
Researchers at Uppsala University have investigated whether a mobile app can relieve post-traumatic stress and depression and the results are promising.
The risk of suffering from Alzheimer's disease is affected by more than twice as many genes as we previously believed.
A new method can make it practically and economically possible to manufacture artificial cobwebs on an industrial scale.
BP plans to triple its network of fast chargers for electric vehicles in the UK over the next ten years.
High levels of a protein can reduce the risk of developing a difficult-to-treat form of breast cancer and also increase the chances of survival for those who still suffer.
A Dutch company has found a way to successfully turn coffee grounds into skincare products, dyes, and building materials.